Wednesday 1 May 2019

Happy New Month

Hi. I will be away from the computer for most of today. I have not finished rereading "Hiding Place" and I skipped over some passages in The Man Who Counts so I might revisit that so we might not be finished with The Technic Civilization Saga, Volume I, for a while yet. The blog is a meandering river. It moves but is not in any hurry.

It is worthwhile to focus on van Rijn. His character is consistent but includes several quirks, some mentioned only once. And he is just one aspect of his period which is only one phase in the Technic History.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

And I recall Flandry thinking in A CIRCUS OF HELLS that he would have liked to have lived during the high and spacious days of the trader princes, when nothing seemed impossible for mankind to achieve.
