Tuesday 1 January 2019

Happy New Year

442 page views yesterday and 123 so far today despite no posts on this blog since the day before.

To any new readers:

welcome to Poul Anderson Appreciation;

typically, I read or reread a work by Anderson or a related author and publish short posts about the text or the issues that it raises;

currently, I am rereading Anderson's The High Crusade and Julian May's Intervention but am interrupted by new books received as Christmas or birthday (today) presents;

there are Anderson-May Parallels;

the blog recognizes SM Stirling as a worthy colleague and successor of Poul Anderson;

in particular, Stirling has surpassed Anderson in the sf sub-genre of alternative history;

I will therefore read and post about Stirling's concluding Change novel (see image);

the Change premise is that technology, including crucially electricity and gunpowder, stops working;

many people die but some in succeeding generations lead adventurous and fulfilled lives;

two questions are "How does society adapt?" and "What has caused the Change?";

there is an eventual explanation and also a curious crossover with a completely dissimilar work, The King In Yellow;

notionally, characters from all alternative histories and parallel universes can meet in Anderson's Old Phoenix Inn;

in practice, each author creates his own fictional multiverse although I have speculated about a megamultiverse.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

I'll be interested in any comments you care to make about Stirling's THE SKY BLUE WOLVES. Alas, I don't think it was as good as his previous Change books. I put that down to Stirling wanting to move on to other ideas and themes. If interested, go to "s.m.stirling.com" and look up my somewhat hastily written comments about SKY BLUE.

Happy New Year! Sean