Tuesday 29 January 2019

Sir Roger And Carl Donnan

"Sir Roger had established himself on the planet we named New Avalon. Our folk needed a rest, and he needed time to settle many questions of securing that vast kingdom which was already fallen to him."
-Poul Anderson, The High Crusade (New York, 1968), CHAPTER XX, p. 139.

"'I bunk here when I'm on Varg...'"
-Poul Anderson, After Doomsday (Frogmore, St Albans, Herts, 1975), CHAPTER FOURTEEN, p. 139.

"Sir Roger...had a solution to these problems, one hammered out in Europe during those not dissimilar centuries after Rome fell: the feudal system."
-The High Crusade, CHAPTER XVII, p. 123.

"The newly freed planets...are already a great power...their deliberative assembly is presided over by a human."
-After Doomsday, p. 138.

Sir Roger feudalizes. Donnan frees. In both novels, the narrative skips past a long and hard campaign.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

But we see peoples and races being freed in BOTH novels. In THE HIGH CRUSADE as well as in AFTER DOOMSDAY. Simply in different ways, as the times and the knowledge and experience available to Sir Roger and Carl Donnan indicated to them was practical and realistic. Poul Anderson was not a rigidly doctrinaire "one size fits all" abstract theoretician and ideologue.
