Tuesday 22 January 2019

Alien Halls

David Falkayn in the audience chamber of Castle Afon on Merseia:

a high gaunt hall;
strange proportions;
windows arched above and below;
stone walls;
woven tapestries;
battle banners hanging from rafters;
hearth fire large enough to roast an elephant;
demon-masked, armored troopers with curved swords, barbed pikes and guns;
winter-chill air;
gravity slightly higher than Terrestrial;
ice-blue sky glimpsed outside;
Morruchan Long-Ax, the Hand of the Vach Dathyr, on a dais.

Centuries later, Max Abrams in the same audience chamber:

strange proportions;
windows arched above and below;
faded tapestries;
rustling banners;
unhuman symbology;
suits of armor with mask helmets grinning like demons;
Old Wilwidh, the wellspring of Merseia;
Brechdan Ironrede, the Hand of the Vach Invory and Protector of the Roidhun's Grand Council, black-robed, holding a spear, beneath a carved black wooden dragon.

In a different timeline, Carl Donnan in the hall of the Dragar on Vorlak:

a single long room;
massive dark timbers;
carved screens;
gaping sea monsters' heads carved on beam-ends;
fluorescent globes;
extraplanetary booty of polished cups, shields, crowns and guns;
bronze plaques of Dragar emblems;
flames roaring up a chimney;
at the far end, the shadowed statue of the Overmaster;
battle banners hanging from dim rafters;
open doors;
noise of surf;
shrill birds;
a saurian's roar;
cold unfamiliar smells;
Dragar enthroned, holding golden goblets, down the length of the hall;
wooden serpents trellised on the throne of Hlott Luurs, the Draga of Tolbek and president of the Dragar Council;
beside Hlott, Ger Nenna, an imperial scholar-bureaucrat representing the Overmaster.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

And these descriptions, esp. of the audience hall of Castle Afon, makes me wish we could have seen one of the Terran Emperors in a similar audience hall of the Imperial palace in Archopolis. After all, there would have been such a hall for formal audiences!

We do see a quorum of the Imperial Policy Board meeting privately in ENSIGN FLANDRY and Emperor Hans in an office of the Coral Palace in A KNIGHT OF GHOSTS AND SHADOWS. And his son Emperor Gerhart in A STONE IN HEAVEN.
