Thursday 3 January 2019

A Reminiscence Of Donnan

Poul Anderson, The High Crusade, CHAPTER XVI.


A Reminiscence Of Flandry
The Second Civilization-Cluster
Human Superiority

Ethelbert of Pr?*t recommends war against the Wersgorix because he thinks that the Ashenkoghli plan to join the English against the Wersgorix;

the Ashenkoghli ambassador sends for his own fleet and invites other clan lords to send theirs when Sir Roger informs him that Ethelbert is recommending war;

when the Jairs realize that Ashenk and Pr?*t will benefit from joining the English alliance, they too must be included;

Sir Roger explains to his captains that Wersgorix rule by sheer force is simple and straightforward whereas European feudalism is complicated;

therefore, he reasons, European lords like himself have learned techniques of intrigue unknown to the Wersgorix's victims;

older and stronger races are not necessarily wiser. (See also "Backwardness" II.)

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

And these methods of intrigue mentioned by Baron Roger are still relevant today! Great powers, not so great powers, and small ones trying to survive practice such tactics even now.
