Friday 10 December 2021

The Two Teams

Satan's World.

Chapters XI-XVII: Falkayn and Chee Lan at Beta Crucis.

Chapters XVIII-XXII: van Rijn and Adzel in space and on Dathyna.
Chapters XXIII-XXV: the two teams reunite on Dathyna.
Chapter XXVI: the aftermath.

There are two further van Rijn-trader team installments: "Lodestar" and Mirkheim.
Falkayn had become a close associate of van Rijn before the events of Satan's World. He describes himself as:
"'Right-hand man...'"
- in I, p. 332 and claims to have had breakfast with van Rijn several times in XI, p. 440.
Adzel and van Rijn have entirely different values but cooperate of necessity. Van Rijn employs Adzel as a planetologist and is able to transcend monetary motivation when greater issues are at stake.

Adzel explains to van Rijn that Einsteinian relativity of simultaneity remains applicable despite the pseudo-velocity of the quantum hyperdrive. One event is before, after or simultaneous with another depending on how the observer is moving in relation to them. Of two trees, A and B, on top of a hill, A is to the left of B if seem from the front of the hill, to the right of B if seen from the back of the hill, in front of B if seen from the left of the hill and behind B if seen from the right of the hill. Does relativity of simultaneity affect Time Patrol operations?


S.M. Stirling said...

I've been told that FTL travel and time travel are mathematically equivalent.

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Mr. Stirling!

I first came across that idea near the end of your third Nantucket book. And, while time traveling would be fascinating, if possible, my preference would be for a working FTL drive. Along the lines, say, of either the Alcubierre drive, Anderson's Technic hyperdrive, or Jerry Pournelle's Alderson drive (in his Co-Dominium timeline).

Ad astra! Sean said...

The equivalence of FTL and time travel is also stated at the end of THERE WILL BE TIME.

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

That one I either missed or forgot!

Ad astra! Sean