Saturday 18 December 2021

Multiple Sequel And Prequel

Mirkheim is:

a sequel to The Man Who Counts because it continues the story of Sandra Tamarin;

a sequel to "Esau" because it continues the story of the Baburites;

a sequel to "Lodestar" because it continues the stories of Mirkheim, of problems within the Polesotechnic League and of the relationship between David Falkayn and Coya Conyon;

a sequel to the entire trader team series because it completes the stories of the team's members;

a prequel to "Wingless" because it describes the birth of Nicholas Falkayn, father of Nathaniel Falkayn;

a prequel to "Hunters of the Sky Cave" because it explains the weather stations on Vixen -

- and probably much more than this.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

In many ways MIRKHEIM was a tying up of loose ends story.

Ad astra! Sean