Sunday 19 December 2021

Why What?

Mirkheim, XII.

This chapter shows us David and Coya Falkayn as seen from Eric Tamarin's point of view:

"A lean man in early middle age and a pregnant woman who looked younger stood at the cabin door." (p. 175)

Eric Tamarin is the illegitimate son of Nicholas van Rijn and Sandra Tamarin and is named after their companion on Diomedes, Eric Wace, a strong link back to the novel, The Man Who Counts. When van Rijn reminds Eric Tamarin that he would have heard of David Falkayn after the Shenna affair, this is a strong link back to Satan's World.

Eric sees Coya's face as:

"...delicately molded, though somehow too strong to be merely pretty." (p. 176)


"She had a lovely low voice." (p. 177)

When Coya has outlined Solar politics and economics for Eric's benefit, van Rijn observes:

"'You remind me of the final examination in philosophy class, my dear,' van Rijn said. 'The single question was: "Why?" You got an A if you answered, "Why not?" You got a B if you answered, "Because." Any other answer got a C.'" (p. 178)

Nonsense, van Rijn. "Why?" is not a valid question and the only correct philosophical response to it is: "Why what?"


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

But Old Nick was being sardonic, wryly humorous!

Ad astra! Sean said...


Sure but there is one correct response to "Why?," nevertheless.


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

Granted. And I don't think van Rijn would object if you insisted on that point.

Ad astra! Sean