Wednesday 22 December 2021

The Flight To Starfall

Mirkheim, X.

Despite having problems with a social structure, we can always appreciate its natural environment. Returning from a hunt to Starfall, Sandra flies above:

the shining Palomino River;
a lowland Runeberg agrarian property;
autumn touching green pastures;
majestic herds;
opulent grainfields;
red-tiled Follower houses with their gardens;
the Runeberg mansion in the distance.
And Sandra's memories of that mansion:
gracious rooms;
ancestral portraits;
immense tradition;
children's laughter.
Adding this to the information about Starfall, Hermes becomes a real place.  

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

I agree, Hermes FEELS like a very real place!

Ad astra! Sean