Tuesday 28 December 2021

Out Of The Storm

Mirkheim, XVII.

Outside Lady Sandra's unlit conference chamber, rain strikes, lightning flares, thunder rolls, murk returns, wind whoops, rain rushes and thunder goes as winter approaches. Sandra receives "Martin Schuster." Those who have read the David Falkayn series from its opening installment understand that this must be an alias for David Falkayn. When she recognizes him, Sandra perceives Falkayn as a larger-than-life figure:

"She wasn't sure how to respond to this man, home-born but far-faring, famous but a stranger, who had come to her out of the storm." (p. 237)

The storm is both literal and figurative, of course.

"When at last he stopped and regarded her, it was strangely right that he stood beneath the ax." (p. 238)

The ax from Diomedes where Sandra had been with Nicholas van Rijn: very right.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

Symbols, metaphors, analogies, pathetic fallacies, all used with rare skill by Anderson!

Happy New Year! Sean