Thursday 16 December 2021

What Happened Next? II

Poul Anderson, Mirkheim IN Anderson, Rise Of The Terran Empire (Riverdale, NY, 2011), pp. 1-291.

The floating city of Delfinburg was introduced in Satan's World. David and Coya Conyon are on it in Mirkheim, Chapter I. Flowers in a Delfinburg garden include livewell from Gray/Avalon.

David trade pioneered for more than twenty years. He discovered Mirkheim eighteen years ago. Coya was with the trader team for five years. David and Coya stopped pioneering three years ago when their daughter, Juanita, was born. They have been in the Solar System since then although it is not clear to me what they have been doing while there. The old team of David, Adzel and Chee Lan will reassemble in order to embark on an unofficial diplomatic mission at the request of van Rijn. Their trade pioneering days are indeed over.

As at the beginning of the later novel, The People Of The Wind, interstellar war is an imminent possibility. David mentions the Baburites who were introduced in "Esau" and reintroduced in the lengthy Mirkheim Prologue. Also in the Prologue was Sandra Tamarin who had been on Diomedes with van Rijn in The Man Who Counts. Mirkheim pulls together multiple narrative strands before the Technic History moves on to its next two major stages which will be the Falkayns' colony on Avalon, then the breakdown of the Solar Commonwealth and the Time of Troubles leading to the founding of the Terran Empire which will attempt to annex Avalon and, at a still later stage, will be defended by Dominic Flandry mainly against the Merseian Roidhunate which, ironically, owes its existence to an earlier intervention by David Falkayn. (The Technic History comprises a single complex narrative so that it is difficult to summarize one part of it without trying to summarize all of it.)

Next: what Adzel and Chee Lan have been doing meanwhile.


S.M. Stirling said...

The Baburites remind me of Germany in the first half of the 20th century -- getting really pouty because others get in the way of their expansion, then every poutier because they tried to conquer Europe and Europe, wickedly, wouldn't let them, so let's have a rematch.

For people (or beings) in that frame of mind, a really vigorous application of the ball-peen hammer to the head is necessary.

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

The Baburites were smarter than the Germans, tho! They didn't try staking everything on a finish fight near the end of MIRKHEIM. They came to terms with Old Nick and the Duchy of Hermes, after all.

Ad astra! Sean