Saturday 3 April 2021

Visibly Moving Moons

On ERB's Barsoom and on some extra-solar planets in Poul Anderson's Technic History, moons visibly hurtle across the sky so we are unsurprised to read about yet another moving moon until we remember that this one is seen from the Bahamas:

"It was a beautiful night under a full moon that raced over their heads through the thin high clouds."
-Ian Fleming, "Quantum of Solace" IN Fleming, For Your Eyes Only (London, 1964), pp. 84-108 AT p. 106.

But, of course, this moon merely appears to race as the clouds move beneath it. I reread this passage almost simultaneously with Anderson's description of the winter solstice on Scotha when:

there are religious ceremonies and feasts;
town and castle blaze with light;
there is music and drunken laughter;
warriors and nobles swirl their finest robes;
drunken quarrels end in bloodshed;
mountains are "...white beneath a hurtling moon..." ("Tiger By The Tail," p. 266);
Flandry seduces Queen Gunli.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

I think I too have noticed that, how swiftly moving clouds can make our Moon seem to race.

One point about that particular winter solstice on Scotha was that drunken quarrels and fatal duels were more frequent than usual. Because of Flandry's intrigues sowing feuds among the Frithians.

I think a frustrated, disillusioned, and embittered Queen Gunli was at least half willing to be seduced by Flandry.

Ad astra! Sean