Sunday 11 April 2021

Alfzar, Flandry, Altai And Merseia

Poul Anderson, "A Message in Secret" IN Anderson, Captain Flandry: Defender Of The Terran Empire (Riverdale, NY, 2010), pp. 341-397.

As soon as we begin to read this story, we are immersed in more future historical connections than we can enumerate. An Alfzarian spaceship takes Dominic Flandry to Altai which is being subverted by Merseians:

James Ching sees a blue-skinned Alfzarian in a bus in San Francisco Integrate early in The Earth Book Of Stormgate;

Dominic Flandry visits Merseia in Ensign Flandry;

Nicholas van Rijn meets Emil Dalmady from Altai in the Earth Book;

van Rijn's protege, David Falkayn visits Merseia in the Earth Book;

children of Dalmady accompanied Falkayn to Avalon and one of them wrote three of the stories in the Earth Book.

And so on. It is more complicated than that but any attempt to trace every connection becomes a summary of the entire Technic History.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

And I liked that bit about James Ching seeing an Alfzarian casually taking a bus ride on Earth, showing us it was not odd or unusual to see non-human intelligent beings going about their ordinary business!

How would I DO if something like the events seen in "Peek! I See You!" ever happened to me? I hope I would not make a complete botch up of matters!

Ad astra! Sean