Saturday 24 April 2021

Sensory Experiences On Unan Besar

"The Plague of Masters."

The sound of a canal freight boat engine;
water streaming silkily around the fugitive Flandry;
smells of tar and spice;
the steersman crooning while tapping a gamelon;
red columns and gilt roofs of upper-class apartments;
low, dark warehouses, tenements and factories above water;
sheet metal, rough timber, thatched roofs;
light dim through dirty windows;
muted machine growls;
floating corpse;
a woman's scream;
darkness around a harsh blue lamp.

Does Anderson overdo the squalor? In any case, I would instantly have forgotten most of these details if I had not paused to record them.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

No, I don't think Anderson overdid the squalor. In s system as grotesque as that found on Unan Besar, we have to expect such extremes.

Ad astra! Seam