Saturday 24 April 2021

Flandry's Espionage Abilities

In A Circus Of Hells
Approaching the planet Talwin, Flandry notices clues that a layman would miss. Seeing two relay satellites, he deduces that there are three in synchronous orbits but also that, if that is all that has been installed, then this is a bare bones base as is to be expected so far from Merseia. Knowing that huge icecaps form and melt each year, he deduces both a disturbed isostatic balance and rapid tectonics. Vegetation is mostly blue so the photosynthesizing chemical is not chlorophyll. The compound contains buildings that do not look naval so maybe the Merseians have other interests on Talwin and their intelligence activities are an add-on?

In "The Game of Glory"
Approaching the single City on Nyanza, Flandry notices that most ships in the docks are radically hydrodynamic sailing craft. He deduces a leisurely and esthetic but also efficient culture. Seeing sea-water processing units and bales of sea weed, he deduces that most Nyanzans farm the planetary ocean while the single large island provides metal, fuel etc.

In "The Plague of Masters"
Approaching Kompong Timur on Unan Besar, Flandry sees that the central buildings are tall and well-lit whereas outer zones are low and dark. He deduces a concentration of wealth and power surrounded by slums.

Concentration of wealth and power is typical in the Terran Empire although maybe some planets are able to organize their societies differently?


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

Yes, because of his Naval and Intelligence training, Flandry observed and deduced more than I would have if I had been a captive approaching Talwin. And he was right, as far as those observations went, Merseian Intelligence activities there were a sidebar, as he would soon find out.

Again, I fear I would not have been as observant about Nyanza, unlike Flandry. It would take training and deliberate, conscious effort on my part to note the details observed by him and draw out their implications. Which leaves me feeling chagrined!

As for the obviously wealthy, well lit parts of Kompong Timur, surrounded by darkened slums, that was in large part due to the peculiar circumstances found on Unan Besar.

I see no reason NOT to expect some kind of concentration of wealth and power in any human nation or planet. And I am NOT desirous of having "idealists" trying to prevent that from happening. ALL that we have gotten from such efforts is blundering, ruinously catastrophic failures in some places,* or grinding, brutal totalitarianism in others. Far better for any reasonably tolerable socio/political system to prosper and succeed if they want to and at least try. AND accept that some people, for whatever reason, are not going to succeed.

The Outbackers of Freehold, whom we see in "Outpost of Empire," seems to come closest to your ideal of a society organizing itself "differently." And, again, what the Outbackers achieved was due to factors peculiar to Freehold and not replicable elsewhere. And comes with certain costs and consequences not everyone would like.

Ad astra! Sean

*A is happening right now in the US, because of the catastrophic ideas and policies of the Democrats. Based on their weird, sick obsession with race and "soak the rich" socialism.

Sean M. Brooks said...

I made an error in my fourth paragraph above. I meant to write "Far better for any reasonably tolerable socio/political system TO ENABLE PEOPLE to prosper and succeed..." I forgot to include something like the words I capitalized.
