Wednesday 21 April 2021

Up To Date

"The Plague of Masters."

We have become accustomed to instant global communication. Yesterday evening, BBC TV News presented live coverage of a court verdict in the US. In Dominic Flandry's period, that remains possible on Terra but not in the Terran Empire. Although physical interstellar travel is faster then light, it is very far from being instantaneous and there is no interstellar equivalent of radio or television. The populations of extra-solar colony planets cannot watch live coverage of any events, however important, in the Solar System.

Speaking about the isolated planet, Unan Besar, an Alfzarian spaceship captain tells Dominic Flandry:

"'We sell them books, newstapes, anything to keep their ruling class up to date on what's happening in the rest of the known galaxy. Maybe the common people on Unan Besar are rusticating. But the overlords are not.'" (p. 10)

The rulers of Unan Besar are not up to date by our standards if they are reliant on infrequent recorded news. The Alfzarian had already told Flandry:

"'We don't visit them very often. Once or twice a standard year a trading craft of ours stops by.'" (p. 10)

And, despite the natural wealth of the planet, it is easy for the rulers to keep their subjects subjugated:

"'From space, you can see it's a rich world. Backward agricultural methods, odd-looking towns, but crammed with natural resources.'" (p. 10)

The rulers alone know about the rest of the known galaxy although the galaxy knows nothing about them. Flandry realizes that Unan Besar requires investigation.


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

I knew at once what "court verdict" you had in mind, the trial of Derek Chauvin for the death of George Floyd. And it outraged me, not because I believe Chauvin innocent, but because of how intellectually corrupt and demagogic politicians like Maxine Waters and "Josip" were threatening violence and mayhem or all but telling the jury what verdict was "acceptable"!

The loathsome likes of Waters and "Josip" were either fools or deliberately trying for a mistrial! Because that would give the Democrats another excuse for demagoguery and power grabbing. Chuavin's lawyers protested to the judge that this interference by politicians was wrong and unacceptable and demanded a mistrial. While not doing that, the judge did agree that pressure by politicians like Waters was unacceptable. I suspect the defense counsel will argue during the appeals that a mistrial should be granted because of the pressures placed on the jury by these politicians.

I strongly suspect demagogues like Maxine Waters WANT more riots, looting, arson, mayhem!

As for THE PLAGUE OF MASTERS, I agree Terra and the other advanced planets of the Empire had near instantaneous global communications--but not FTL. The best hyperdrive courier boats available to the Empire would need at least two weeks to go from Terra to the outer bounds of the Imperial domain. Our four weeks if speeding from one end to the other.

Even if Alfzarian ships only went to Unan Besar once or twice a Terran year, the books and news material they sold to Biocontrol would still keep the rulers more or less up to date on events in the known galaxy.

And of course Bicontrol kept its grip on a planet which resented and hated it thru its monopoly control of the antitoxin needed to enable humans to live there.

I recall that discussion Flandry had with the Alfzarian captain. And of how Flandry had another moment of frustration with his people! Almost certainly there were records abouut Unan Besar on Terra. Flandry thought with frustration how the archives should be periodically sifted for oddities needing investigation, that more of the reports filed by Intelligence agents like him should be checked out. But that would mean more work for the fat and thumb witted guardians of Terra. Investigation might even turn up facts forcing the Imperium to send in the Navy. Horrors!

Ad astra! Sean

S.M. Stirling said...

Sean: perhaps this isn't the place? Not supporting any side, it's just that this is for Poul's works.

S.M. Stirling said...

Future-historical communications:

In the Terran Empire future history, you -could- set up a system for fairly rapid info transfer.

Have automated ships -- "message torpedoes" -- regularly shuttling between star systems with recorded data.

They come into a system, approach, blip out the information at very high speeds, record the same from that system, then turn around and go FTL again back to the origin (or on a route).

Since they wouldn't need cargo capacity (data be light!) or life-support, they could be numerous and cheap. said...

Mr Stirling,

Great idea! And the Unan Besarans would try to access the data as quickly as possible without drawing attention to themselves.


Today has been one hell of an action day with no time for blogging although I want to post something about Betelgeuse in the Technic History but we have all the time in the world or all the time that is left to us anyway. Maybe tomorrow.


S.M. Stirling said...

BTW, this is an utterly ghastly cover. One of the worst.

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Mr. Stirling!

Trying to make a start in catching up with your comments before going to bed.

Your reproof is well said. The anger, disgust, contempt I have been feeling has no place in Paul's blog. I apologize to Paul for my lapse in manners.

I like your idea about FTL automated "information ships." I wonder what Anderson might have made of it? He did have Duke Edwin speculating in A STONE IN HEAVEN about setting up a system of relays at one one light year intervals for transmitting messages rapidly.

Ad astra! Sean said...

I have generally taken a laissez faire/"anything goes" attitude to the combox, partly on the ground that PA addresses every issue so it's ok to discuss any issue here. We usually start from something in one of PA's works and from there can move in unpredictable directions. I occasionally intersperse events in the life of the blggger (me)in the posts but we always return to the main blog focus which is the works of Poul Anderson and related sf.

Onward and upward. said...


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

Many thanks! I did wonder if I had been going too far with my comments in this combox.

I sometimes send emails protesting what "Josip" and his Democrats have been doing to my House representative (yet another Democrat). And, despite the anger, even fury, I often feel, I find myself toning down what I write, to being at least coldly correct.

Ad astra! Sean