Thursday 1 April 2021

The Terran War

When any novel published post-1945 refers to "the war," we understand this reference. When Julian May's time travelers in Pliocene Exile refer to the Metapsychic Rebellion, we understand that this phrase refers to an interstellar conflict that we will read about several volumes later when May's narrative has moved from the past through the present into the future. If we read Poul Anderson's The Earth Book Of Stormgate immediately after The People Of The Wind, then we recognize the phrase, "the Terran War," in Hloch's introduction as referring to an interstellar conflict recounted in The People of The Wind whereas, if instead we read this same future history series in the seven-volume omnibus The Technic Civilization Saga, then we read Hloch's introduction near the beginning of Volume I but do not read The People Of The Wind until the end of Volume III. Consequently, we are able to read and reread Anderson's Technic History in two narrative orders, thus benefiting from alternative perspectives on historical events.


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

And I was dissatisfied by Julian May's Metapsychic Rebellion. I thought the conflict was implausibly brief and too easily resolved. A longer and more violent struggle would have felt more "real" to me.

I think it's possible May was a bit impatient to bring an already long MAGNIFICAT (the third of her Galactic Milieu books) to a conclusion. That would help explain why I did not find that volume quite satisfactory.

Btw, my copy of Stirling's DAGGERS IN DARKNESS arrived yesterday! Which mans I now have an embarassment in reading riches: EXTRATERRESTRIALS IN THE CATHOLIC IMAGINATION, DIAMONDS ARE FOREVER, and DAGGERS IN DARKNESS. To say nothing of how I eventually plan, I hope, to reread FLANDRY OF TERRA.

Ad astra! Sean said...


I agree that the long anticipated Metapsychic Rebellion was an anticlimax.

Your reflections on DAGGERS IN DARKNESS will be welcome.


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

"Anticlimactic" is a good way of describing May's Metapsychic Rebellion! And I came to have other reasons for dissatisfaction: an unconvincing FTL drive, far too many metapsychic powers to be plausible, distasteful and unbelievable changes May has the Catholic Church undergoing, etc.

And I could not buy that all the "exotic" non human races of the Milieu were oxygen breathers! Shouldn't there be some hydrogen breathing races like Anderson's Ymirites?

I'm a slow reader, so I don't know when I will get to reading DAGGERS IN DARKNESS. But I like your suggestion. The thing to do would be to keep a sheet of paper handy for jotting down notes as I eventually read thru DAGGERS.

As we know Stirling suffered a bad accident, breaking his leg. I just hope he is not in too much pain and soon recovers!

Ad astra! Sean

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

In fairness to May, I should say that, except here and there a very few times, I enjoyed reading her SAGA OF PLIOCENE EXILE volumes and the two INTERVENTION books.

Ad astra! Sean said...


You had INTERVENTION in 2 vols. I only ever saw it in 1.

I enjoyed rereading INTERVENTION and GALACTIC MILIEU but could never get back into EXILE.


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

Plainly, US publishers thought it better to split INTERVENTION into two volumes. I didn't mind, as long as I got both.

Well, you already know why I did not entirely like the MILIEU books. But I did find Fury and its Hydra headed monster to be quite satisfactory (what a word to use!) villains. So I did have some liking for the GALACTIC MILIEU books.

What were some of your reasons for not caring for the SAGA OF PLIOCENE EXILE?

Ad astra! Sean said...


Just could not get back into rereading it. Too many fantastic things happening too quickly - what you said about unbelievable metapsychic powers.

Some of it read like the author's notes for a novel rather than a fleshed out novel.


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

I basically agree, too many "metapsychic" powers, being used too quickly and casually to be plausible. There were enough other things in the SAGA books to distract me from that.

Iow, you think some of the material in the SAGA would best have been collected into Appendices placed at the end of the volumes? That was what Stirling did with his Draka books.

Ad astra! Sean said...


Appendices or filled out better. When Aiken Drum is introduced, his character is merely summarized, not dramatized.


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

I remember that, how when we first see Aiken Drum, his character was merely summarized or described, not SHOWN to us. Too many notes, not enough drama.

Ad astra! Sean

S.M. Stirling said...

Sean: I'll be interested to see what you think of DAGGERS, too.

S.M. Stirling said...

Sean: agree with you on the Metapsychic Rebellion. It's not only too quick, it's too one-sided. The issue should been more in doubt. I don't think May could bear to make the Galactic Milieu that vulnerable.

Sean M. Brooks said...

Karo, Mr. Stirling!

Many thanks, as regards your request about DAGGERS IN DARKNESS. I do plan to keep a piece of paper near me as I read your book, for quick notes when something strikes me. So I can later work them up into fuller comments. I hope you won't be offended if some of them are a bit critical!

Exactly! What you said about Julian May and her Galactic Milieu/Metapsychic Rebellion. Too quick, one sided, and too easily resolved. A Galactic Milieu as vulnerable as Anderson's Terran Empire would have been more convincing.

Ad astra! Sean

S.M. Stirling said...

Sean: no offense will be taken. Different perspectives are always valuable, as long as they’re intelligent, which I can rely on with you.

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Mr. Stirling!

Many thanks! I am encouraged even more to take notes. Alas, I'm a slow reader, partly because of how I take part in this blog. And partly because I have to go to work. But I will get thru DAGGERS IN DARKNESS!

Ad astra! Sean