Sunday 27 December 2020

Tongues Of Angels

When, in Poul Anderson's "Lodestar," Hirharouk speaks Anglic and van Rijn speaks Planha, we consider fictional languages in general. Some authors merely name an imagined language whereas others, notably Tolkien, invent words, phrases etc.

For Alan Moore, see:

For SM Stirling referencing Tolkien, see:
For discussion of Poul Anderson's Time Patrol language, Temporal, see:
CS Lewis, a theological sf author, wrote a passage about language that is worth quoting at length in order to disagree with it and instead to champion the views of hard sf writers, like Anderson, who accepted scientific method and evolutionary theory. That will be another post.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

Very few writers of SF and F immersed themselves so deeply into languages that they started with a fictional language and then wrote stories about the peoples using those languages. That was the very unusual route Tolkien took.

And of course we know from Stirling's Emberverse series of how passionately die hard Tolkien fans used his works!

Happy New Year! Sean