Friday 25 December 2020

An Appropriate Christmas Present

(Another one this year. For earlier posts today, see Revision And Expansion and Christmas Under A Red Dwarf Star. For previous Christmases, see links from A Pivotal Story.)

Edward Brook-Hitching, The Phantom Atlas: The Greatest Myths, Lies and Blunders on Maps (London, 2016).

Interesting information about places mentioned by Poul Anderson and Neil Gaiman:

The Phantom Atlas summarizes the story of Atlantis and Anderson, of course, wrote The Dancer From Atlantis;

Hy Brasil (scroll down) was purged from maps only as recently as 1865;

the opening and concluding chapters of Anderson's long novel, The Boat Of A Million Years, are entitled "Thule" and, in the former, the central character, Hanno, joins the northern expedition of Pytheas whose lost account is cited in The Phantom Atlas.

There are Brendan's Islands on Anderson's fictional planet Avalon and there was a fictional St Brendan's Isle on maps of the Atlantic well into the seventeenth century.

Also relevant here is an earlier post, Anti-Magic.


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

I was reminded me of real world vanished nations like Austria-Hungary! I've actually seem people bewildered at how a land locked nation like Hungary was once ruled by the Regent and ADMIRAL Miklos Horthy. Many people don't seem to know that Hungary once had a seacoast on the Adriatic Sea (before Austria-Hungary was torn apart limb by limb by its enemies in 1918). Horthy had once been an admiral in the Austro-Hungarian Navy.

Merry Christmas! Sean

S.M. Stirling said...

I got a couple of books on historical linguistics for Christmas... 8-).

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Mr. Stirling!

I think JRR Tolkien would be interested, considering how he was a philologist.

Happy New Year! Sean