Thursday 31 December 2020

A Time Of Crisis

Mirkheim, X.

"Sandra Tamarin-Asmundsen...had felt guilty about leaving Starfall at a time of crisis - domestic as well as foreign, with more of the Traver class in an uproar..." (p. 145)

If the lowest social class, allowed no say in public affairs, is in an uproar amounting to a crisis, then all is not well in Hermtian society so meet its leaders and agree some social changes. I remember, during Apartheid, someone saying, "Change will come over time." Yes, it would and did come because a lot of people campaigned for it but he was arguing that they should stop campaigning!

Change is certain. Change for the good is not.


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

And I still don't have much sympathy for much of what some Travers were demanding. The issues under dispute seemed so trivial compared to the horrors of the 20th century AD. Moreover, if my memory is correct, the Travers were both not taxed and did have a say in how local gov't was handled.

Happy New Year! Sean said...


If you were negotiating with a discontented lower social class, would you say, "You can't vote but you're not taxed. Live with it!"?


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

Not that baldly! I would try to argue more as Peter Asmundsen had done.

Happy New Year! Sean

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

Another thought I had was that if many Travers (or those claiming to speak for them) want to take part in the governing of Hermes, then they should also should take on their share of the burdens and costs by paying taxes. And I strongly suspect many Travers would not want that, preferring to keep the old arrangment!

Happy New Year! Sean said...


Some might not want it but it should be up to them, shouldn't it?


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

Certainly, which is why a wise political systems makes allowance for those who want to take part in the system, however it is organized. And makes it possible for those who wish to do so to at least try to rise thru the system.

BUT, most people at most times thru out history seldom cared that much about politics if life was not too bad and matters were being handled reasonably competently. That is one of the things I don't like about leftists or left wing "liberals," EVERYTHING is politicized.

Happy New Year! Sean said...


But, on Hermes, a lot of Travers are in uproar.


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

And I agree that when something like that happens, adjustments and changes will be necessary. Which I'm sure was one of the points Anderson was making.

Happy New Year! Sean

S.M. Stirling said...

Note that noble immunity from taxation was precisely the major grievance of the early part of the French Revolution.

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Mr. Stirling!

I remember Alexis de Tocqueville discussing that in his book THE OLD REGIME AND THE FRENCH REVOLUTION. It's a pity that particular problem was not resolved long before 1789! If it had been, that alone might have prevented the Revolution.

Ad astra! Sean