Tuesday 29 December 2020


Mirkheim, V.

"'Come on, let's move along, for Job's sake,' Falkayn said." (p. 93)

Nowadays, I hope to find references to books of the Bible that have not been mentioned yet but, in fact, we have had quotations from Job. See The Bible On The Blog. But why does Falkayn refer to Job himself in this manner? Presumably none of his team-mates understands the reference? They are in dire straits so maybe he feels that they are about to be served as ill as Job? My inspiration drains away this evening but I hope to return to the fray some time tomoz.

This volume is called Rise Of The Terran Empire. Is the Empire rising? In one sense, yes, because previous social arrangements are failing. The Commonwealth cannot control the League which now cannot control itself.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

It might be simpler to think David Falkayn was reluctant to use the name of God in vain!

Happy New Year! Sean