Friday 25 December 2020

Revision And Expansion

This post is old news but its content can be harmlessly re-summarized while we are not doing anything else.

The eleven works in The Technic Civilization Saga, Volume I, The Van Rijn Method, comprise:

one more recently published story, "The Saturn Game";

the first seven of the twelve works, including one novel, that had been collected as The Earth Book Of Stormgate, together with their Earth Book introductions;

the first two of the three David Falkayn stories that had been collected as The Trouble Twisters;

the first of the three Nicholas van Rijn stories that had been collected as Trader To The Stars.

Volume II, David Falkayn: Star Trader, comprises:

the two remaining Trader To The Stars stories;

the one remaining The Trouble Twisters story;

three more Earth Book stories with their introductions;

the novel, Satan's World.

Volume III, Rise Of The Terran Empire, comprises:

the novel, Mirkheim;

the two remaining Earth Book stories with their introductions and afterword;

"The Star Plunderer" which had been collected, inappropriately, in The Long Night;

the previously uncollected "Sargasso of Lost Starships";

the novel, The People Of The Wind, providing the background for the Earth Book.

Thus, Volumes I-III (of VII) are like a revised and expanded Earth Book.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

I know you are a bit "fixated" on Avalon and the Ythrians, but I don't think it makes much sense to think of any part of THE SAGA OF TECHNIC CIVILIZATION as forming an expanded version of THE EARTH BOOK OF STORM GATE. Rather, I prefer to think of the SAGA as being compiled many, many centuries later by scholars like Donvar Ayeghen. To show the rise and fall of mankind's first interstellar civilization. It was the human race they were focusing on, not Ythri or Avalon.

Merry Christmas! Sean