Saturday 22 August 2020

Sounds And Sights Of War

(I said that I would show more images of the Canal Turn so here they are.)

(Battle of Ticinus.)

"Delenda Est," 8.

cold wind whistles
rain spatters
trumpets howl
drums stutter
men yell, curse and gasp
feet tramp
riderless horses scream
arrows whine
edged metal hammers
elephants bawl

clouds lower and hurry
distant eagles gleam
a red and purple banner flutters triumphantly
elephants loom monstrous against gray sky
crows hover and wait

The crows also comment.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

I would have to check my copies of "Delenda Est," but I've wondered if that "tramp" was a typo for "stamp." I would expect soldiers struggling in combat to be more likely to be stamping their feet as they strove not to fall and push back against enemies. "Tramp" seems to me a more "organized" sound, as in the tramp of soldiers marching in formation.

Elephants have been used in war, but they have seldom been very satisfactory once the element of surprise was lost.

The crows are hovering and "commenting" because they expect to soon be able to feast on the bodies of the dead.

Ad astra! Sean