Thursday 27 August 2020

Future Reports

(A picture of Ambleside, where we were yesterday.)

"The Sorrow of Odin the Goth," 1980.

Farness to Everard:

"'...all you need do is read the reports I'll have filed in my own personal future. If the early accounts show me bungling, why, just tell me to stay home and become a book researcher. The outfit needs those too, doesn't it?'" (p. 355)

But would the Patrol do that? I thought that they preserved everything that happened, including events within their own organization?

At one point in The Shield of Time, they deliberately perform an action, then delete it. And in "The Year of the Ransom," they change an event that had resulted from Exaltationist intervention. The Patrol must be able to calculate, using advanced physics and mathematics, the precise extent to which a minor alteration that can be made without disturbing other events that must remain unchanged.

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