Thursday 20 August 2020

Manse's Memories

Poul Anderson, "Delenda Est" IN Anderson, Time Patrol (Riverdale, NY, 2010), pp. 173-228, 2.

Everard's memories of his home timeline when he seems to have lost it:

broad plains
tall mountains
prideful cities
his parents
his father lifting him high
a girl at college
Bernie Aaronson, beer, smoke, talk
Phil Brackney, machine guns in France
the Whitcombs, high tea in Victorian London
the Denisons, chrome eyrie above New York
Jack Sandoval, Arizona crags
a dog
Dante's austere cantos
Shakespeare's ringing thunder
York Minster
the Golden Gate Bridge
a man's life
billions of human beings

He is in a timeline where all that had never been. We recognize the Whitcombs, the Denisons and Sandoval from earlier Time Patrol stories. We remember York Minster, the Golden Gate Bridge and a Shakespearean timeline from other works by Anderson.

There is also the question of whether there ever will be a scientific revolution in the Carthaginian timeline.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

My impression is that, for about forty or fifty of their years, Manse took pains to visit the Whitcombs fairly regularly.

And that mention of Dante's "austere cantos" strongly indicates did read the DIVINE COMEDY. I rather hope it was Dorothy L. Sayers' translation!

And we both know of how much PA admired York Minster, which I too have visited.

Ad astra! Sean