Monday 27 May 2019

Words Of Van Rijn


Van Rijn:

"'The Home Companies is behind it, of course, and in a case like this they don't give snot whether it's illegal or well eagle.'" (XI, p. 160)

Nor does van Rijn care about legality but he does have some concern for morality.

"'I decree first we snap some schnapps with a little liter or so of beer in tow and maybe a few herring filets [sic] or such for ballast.'" (p. 161)

The ability to have snacks on hand even during crises is something that van Rijn takes for granted - but we have seen that he can also cope when rations are low. (At least, we have seen it if we are reading the Technic History in chronological order, of course.)

"' commentators who I would like to do a hysteria-ectomy on.'" (ibid.)

Van Rijn says that Bayard Story was the spokesman for the Seven and suspects that he was also "'...the wheelsman.'" (ibid.) Spokes and wheels.

He tells the team to crow about getting home safe and to raven about the "'table of goodies...'" and asks whether he has to administer alcohol "'...with a hypochondriac needle?'" (p. 162)

While van Rijn verbiates, we learn that, since Coya stopped trade pioneering, she has been a computer programmer working from home. It is good to know all the details.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

I can think of lots of so called news commentators in the US alone who could use a van Rijn "hysteria-ectomy"! Esp. ever since the election of President Trump.
