Thursday 23 May 2019

Fine-Tuning The Three-Volume Earth Book

We had established that:

in the original reading order of Poul Anderson's Technic History, Volume I is the van Rijn collection, Trader To The Stars;

however, this collection refers to two earlier exploits of van Rijn;

further, some later-written installments of the History are set even earlier than van Rijn.

In fact, in the chronological order of Baen Books' seven-volume The Technic Civilization Saga, "Hiding Place," the opening story of Trader To The Stars, is the eleventh installment because:

there are three pre-League stories;

not just two but three earlier installments feature van Rijn;

the first two of the three stories in the original Volume II, The Trouble Twisters, are set earlier than "Hiding Place";

two other League stories are set earlier.

I suggested that, before there was a Baen Books' Saga but during the period when the Earth Book had been divided into three volumes, its Volumes I and II could have been read before Trader To The Stars. The best way to do this would be to place five stories in Volume I and six in Volume III. The sixth story, "The Season of Forgiveness," definitely comes after the first Falkayn story in The Trouble Twisters.


if the Earth Book remains intact, then we read "Hiding Place" first;
with the Earth Book trisected in the way that I suggest, we can read six installments before "Hiding Place";
with the Saga, we can read all ten earlier installments first.

Am I obsessed about this? Definitely!


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

Even if this kind of obsession bores most people, I don't mind! I'm enough of an Anderson fan to find these discussions interesting.

I think the simplest way of arranging the Technic stories would be in strictly internal chronological order.

Sean said...

But just looking at it that way loses the history of how the series was published.
Something else that fascinates me is the different orders of the Books in the Hebrew Bible and the Christian Old Testament. And remember that the SKY BOOK and the EARTH BOOK are the history of a people with two Faiths and their Exodus from Ythri to Avalon.

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

Your first comment: granted. And it is good and interesting to have both the Baen Books edition and the EARTH BOOK, to show us different ways of arranging and interpreting the stories.

Yes, I have noticed how Jews and Christians have different ways of arranging the books of the Hebrew Bible/Old Testament. I would put that down partly to different theological interpretations of those books and partly to varying literary tastes.

It's more strictly correct to say THE SKY BOOK OF STORMGATE was a history of how Ythrians left Ythri to colonize Avalon and then how some of those colonists founded the Stormgate choth.
