Monday 27 May 2019

Hate And Language


When Central Police vehicles approach, Chee Lan and Adzel remove evidence and the log from Muddlin' Through.

"Another log would remain, which had been faked as a matter of routine." (XI, p. 167)

What did I say here about van Rijn and legality?

The Solar Commonwealth Minister of Security, Edward Garver, purely hates van Rijn.

"To him, we represent Chaos." (p. 168)

How many of Poul Anderson's works show a conflict between social control and freedom, the latter decried as chaos by its enemies?

Van Rijn wants "'...a four-letter Angular-Saxon language just for [Garver].'" (ibid.) Adzel covers young Juanita's ears. I find the hatred on both sides distasteful.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

I agree hatred is distasteful, but it unfortunately happens. And my belief is that Old Nick represents the better cause.
