Friday 24 May 2019


Satan's World.

The Serendipity, Inc. partners, including Thea Beldaniel, are human but were entirely raised and enslaved by the alien Shenna. Thea argues that she and her fellow partners are not deviant because:

human nature is plastic;
there is no norm;
everyone is brought up in some particular tradition;
they are healthy and happy.

A specious argument. Many purely human traditions are deplorable. Later in the Technic History, Tabitha Falkayn grows up among Ythrians but she is a free woman unlike Thea Beldaniel.

To win Thea's confidence, van Rijn plays:

The Last Spring
La Ci Darem La Mano
Isoldes Liebestod
Londonderry Air (a link with Julian May's Pliocene Exile)
Evenstar Blues (?)

Once, I would just have read past this list. Now we can google (most of) them.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

Again, I'm speaking from memory, but I don't think Tabitha Falkayn was raised ENTIRELY by Ythrians. She did have human relatives and friends, and they would help to correct any possibly excessive Ythrianization. She was certainly far more balanced than Christopher Holm was, at first.
