Thursday 30 May 2019

Not Their Last Farewell

The best farewell is one that is not really a farewell. Let us review Adzel's and Chee Lan's careers:

David Falkayn, Master Merchant Polesotechnic League, Adzel, planetologist, and Chee Lan, xenobiologist, were Nicholas van Rijn's first trade pioneer crew;

eventually, Coya Conyon, astrophysicist, married Falkayn and joined the team;

however, when Coya had their first child, the Falkayns stopped pioneering and lived on Earth;

then Chee Lan joined another trade pioneer crew whereas Adzel became a lay brother in a Buddhist monastery in the Andes;

van Rijn responded to the Mirkheim crisis by reconvening the original team minus Coya who was by now pregnant for the second time;

after the resolution of the Mirkheim crisis, Adzel and Chee Lan will at last retire to their home planets, Woden and Cynthia, respectively;

however, they will occasionally rendezvous to talk about old times;

they will also plan how to prepare their home planets for the bad times ahead.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

With any luck, those bad times wouldn't come to Cynthia or Woden for at least half a century.
