Friday 31 May 2019


"Rescue on Avalon."

In the hospital where they both recover, Ayan, having previously addressed Jack as "'...human...'" (see here), now instead calls him "'...galemate...'" (p. 322) Having meanwhile studied Stormgate usages, Jaack knows what an honor this form of address is.

Human beings had been excluded from the Weathermother when Stormgate took possession. Ayan, as Wyvan, now declares that Jack and any guests of his will always be welcome there. He goes further:

"'Indeed, the time is over-past for our two kinds to intermingle freely.'" (ibid.)

The only qualification would be that free intermingling does not include intruding or trespassing in places set aside for specific or private use. For example, Ythrians are territorial because each family needs to hold country where it can hunt. Nevertheless, Ayan's declaration seems to mark the end of the second stage of colonization (see Three Stages) and to open the way to the more integrated planetary culture that we see in The People Of The Wind.

Writing at the beginning of The Earth Book Of Stormgate but after the events of The People Of The Wind, Hloch tells us that his parents:

"...held the country around Spearhead Lake... [They] were guest-free and would house whoever pleased them for days in line, giving these leave to roam and hunt."
-Poul Anderson, The Earth Book Of Stormgate (New York, 1979), p. 1.

Ayan solves the final problem. Jack's allergy to Ythrians would prevent him from entering their territory. However, Stormgate will pay to send him off-planet for a complete cure.

In "Wingless":

Thuriak learns that it is good that strengths be different so that they can be shared;
Nat learns to pity Ythrians because they cannot swim.

In "Rescue on Avalon":

Ayan learns that his choth needs the closeness of people like Jack "'...who would not abandon even an enemy.'" (p. 322);
Jack learns that he is proud to call Ayan his friend.

Let us hope that this will be the pattern for human-alien relations.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

I did wonder, if Jack was truly and clinically allergic to Ythrians, whether it would be that easy to cure him of the allergy. But I can see advances in medical science including cures for allergies.
