Monday 22 January 2018

"The Saturn Game": Conclusion

Scobie and Broberg can end their distracting and debilitating role-play only by killing Kendrick and Ricia. The reader is relieved to realize that they have not killed themselves at the same time.

Just before that:

"Ricia's gamin(e) smile breaks forth." (p. 69) (For full reference, see here.)

Why the brackets around the "e"? When I feel more like scanning bookshelves, I will check whether they are in the other editions of "The Saturn Game" that I have.

Broberg mentions "warmth," then turns so fast that she nearly falls and screams, "'Warmth!'" (p. 71)

The alert reader recognizes yet another Andersonian moment of realization. Jean has just realized how to use the dead man's fuel cell to make a beacon to locate her and Scobie for their rescuer. There has been one death on Iapetus but there will be no more - and the story ends.

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