Wednesday 31 January 2018

How David Falkayn Indirectly Caused The Discovery Of Satan

The Serendipity computer presents a "...dry recital, in that windful tone..." (p. 353) (For full reference, see here.) Windful?

David Falkayn had demonstrated that the blue giant star, Beta Centauri, had captured a system of rogue planets;

this discovery excited interest elsewhere;

the Collectivity of Wisdom in Kothgar on Lemminkainen dispatched an expedition that checked every previously unvisited giant star within several hundred light years;

as expected, none had planets;

however, the Lemminkainenites detected one rogue planet approaching Beta Crucis;

several years later, a Lemminkainite captain who had been on that expedition consulted Serendipity;

Serendipity reduced his fee in exchange for information from several expeditions, including the incidental datum about the planet approaching Beta Crucis, which had not been included in the report that originally reached Earth;

Falkayn asked the Serendipity computer about ways that he might make money;

the computer correlated Falkayn's discovery about Beta Centauri and the Lemminkainite discovery about Beta Crucis with the observation that the planet passing close to Beta Crucis would be a favorable site for the production of heavy isotopes...

Thus, Satan's World is a sequel to "A Sun Invisible."

1 comment: said...

Kaor, Paul!

A truly ingenious linking up by Anderson of two different stories!
