Monday 22 January 2018

Installments And A Series

In a future history series, each installment must have its own plot/conflict/internal dynamic etc and must also contribute something to the series as a whole. The opening installments of Poul Anderson's History of Technic Civilization perfectly exemplify this principle:

psychological problems on a long space voyage;
where is the dominant species of a newly discovered planet?;
what are the differences between human and Ythrian religious beliefs?;
the pressures on a student in San Francisco Integrate;
Nicholas van Rijn addresses intersellar piracy;
David Falkayn is an apprentice...

Thus, Anderson transports his readers by five easy stages into the heart of the Polesotechnic League period when great events will occur, leading to further historical developments. Each of these stories is a very small part of what became a massive body of work.

3 comments: said...

Kaor, Paul!

The religions of the non human Ythrians are not the only aliens faiths humans came to have some knowledge of in PA's Technic History. The religion of the "pharaohnic" culture of Larsum on the planet Ivanhoe comes to mind as another example ("The Three Cornered Wheel").


Anonymous said...

Kaor, Paul!

Would that be the problems of a student in San Francisco Integrate?

Best Regards,
Nicholas D. Rosen said...

Thanks, Nicholas.