Sunday 28 January 2018


Three groups:

time travelers supervised by Poul Anderson's Time Patrol;
the crew of the USS Enterprise;
James Blish's Okies -

- must not affect or alter the cultures that they encounter whereas companies in Poul Anderson's Polesotechnic League have no such scruples:

"'Kingdoms come and go, none last more'n a few generations, but a bloodline is forever.'
"Her words confirmed what Falkayn had already gathered. It bespoke an ingrained clannishness that worried him. If the attitude was instinctive, this was a poor world in which to set up operations. But if it could be altered - if the Ikranankans could be made to feel loyalty toward something larger than a cluster of families -"
-Poul Anderson, "The Trouble Twisters" IN Anderson, David Falkayn: Star Trader (Riverdale, NY, 2010), pp. 77-208 AT pp. 111-112.

The prevailing, environmentally determined, demonology expresses and reinforces a paranoia that impedes free trade whereas more conventional seasonal religions are easier to deal with. In the eventual agreement, Adzel will ensure that Buddhist missionaries are allowed access to Ikrananka.

1 comment: said...

Kaor, Paul!

I agree, interstellar trade and contact with new ideas should, in time, lead the Ikranankans to becoming less fearful and paranoid. Which means their society would become more stable.
