Saturday 20 January 2018

Back To Norfolk

A TV program showed the Norfolk Broads. It was while in Norfolk and visiting Norwich Cathedral, that I conceptualized a synthesis of HG Wells' The Time Machine, Poul Anderson's Time Patrol and the BBC's Doctor Who. See here.

The mechanics of this synthesis were that:

The Danellians are the Time Lords;

the Time Traveler reaches the era of Morlocks and Eloi by passing through a quantum fluctuation.

The Danellians are a post-human evolutionary stage 1,000,000 years hence whereas the Morlocks and Eloi are devolved human beings in 802,701 AD. Thus, they are similar distances in the future although they cannot exist in the same timeline but a quantum fluctuation might account for time travelers encountering both of them and that is the extent of my inspiration this evening. I hope to be more energized soon.

Addendum: For blog references to Dame Julian of Norwich, see In Norwich and Future Ice Ages.


S.M. Stirling said...

I like that!

There was a scene in the Fens in one of the Change books, but with feral hippos. said...

Kaor, Paul!

I'm sorry you are still feeling so beaten down by your cold. Get well fast!

Your mention of Norwich reminded me of how that was where Dame Julian of Norwich, an English mystic and contemplative who wrote REVELATIONS OF DIVINE LOVE, lived. Years ago, I read that book, rendered into modern English. I wondered if you had heard of her and read her works.

Sean said...

We mentioned Julian before. I will add an addendum to this post.