Tuesday 30 January 2018

Past Jupiter

"The girl who called herself Veronica..." tells David Falkayn that he is "'...the glamor man...'" because:

"'...none of us girls has traveled past Jupiter. Hardly any of the men we know have, either. Not one of them compares to you.'"
-Poul Anderson, Satan's World IN Anderson, David Falkayn: Star Trader (Riverdale, NY, 2010), pp. 329-598 AT pp. 329-330.

Imagine that! When it is considered parochial not to have traveled beyond Jupiter. I haven't been that far, have you?

Falkayn, celebrity and confidante of Nicholas van Rijn, knows that he will be spied on in the Solar System so he carefully gives Veronica no advance warning of his movements. In fact, professionally suspicious, he thinks of her as the girl who calls herself Veronica.

We have seen Falkayn as apprentice, journeyman, Master Merchant leading the first trade pioneer crew and savior of Merseia. This is only his fifth appearance. Everything that happens has a substantial background in earlier stories but, at the same time, Anderson must move his future history forward. Falkayn has a great future still to come. Technic civilization will go through major changes in his lifetime and later.

Addendum: Falkayn and Veronica are in Elfland on Luna. For Falkayn on the Moon, see:

On The Moon In The Technic History
The Serendipity Partners
London And Luna (This is the time of the month when I try to direct attention towards other blogs.)

1 comment:

paulshackley2017@gmail.com said...

Kaor, Paul!

I only wish I could travel as far as Jupiter, never mind the Moon!
