Monday 27 July 2015

Increasing Complexity II

Poul Anderson, The Shield Of Time (New York, 1991).

See here.

My present purpose is not to summarize The Shield Of Time in its entirety but to examine beginnings. Is Manse Everard on-stage from the beginning and, if not, how is he involved later? (There could have been a Time Patrol story without Everard in it but there wasn't.) As before, we find increasing complexity.

Part One:

1987 A.D. Everard and Guion in Everard's New York Apartment.

Part Two:

1985 A.D. Yuri Alexeievitch Garshin in the Hindu Kush.
209 B.C. Everard by the River Bactrus.
Garshin was used to lay a trap for the Exaltationists and Everard is on their trail in Bactria.

Part Three:

31,275,389 B.C. Wanda and Guion at the Time Patrol Academy. (By now, we know Wanda, Guion and the Academy so the Time Patrol universe is becoming quite familiar.)

Part Four:

13,212 B.C. Wanda in Beringia.
Later, she will ask Everard for help.

Part Five:

1990 A.D. Everard and Guion in Everard's New York apartment.

Part Six:

1137alpha A.D. Emil Volstrup in Palermo.
1765 B.C.-15,926 B.C.-1765 B.C. Keith Denison with a migrating Indo-European tribe, in pre-human North America and under Hammurabi's Babylon.
1980alpha A.D. Denison in Paris.
18,244 B.C. Everard and Wanda at the Time Patrol's Pleistocene Pyrenees lodge.
Everard will address the problem of the alpha timeline.

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