Tuesday 11 April 2023

Tachwyr And Djana

Poul Anderson, A Circus of Hells IN Anderson, Young Flandry (Riverdale, NY, January 2010), pp. 193-365, CHAPTER ONE

Of the characters introduced in Ensign Flandry, apart from Flandry himself, the first to reappear, on the opening page of A Circus of Hells, is Tachwyr the Dark, Flandry's opposite number among the Merseians. Tachwyr is of the Vach Rueth according to Flandry in A Circus of Hells but, later, has become Hand of the Vach Dathyr according to the omniscient narrator of The Game of Empire. Merseians do not change their Vach. It is uncharacteristic of Flandry to get such a detail wrong but it is possible, especially while he is still "Young Flandry," and no character can disagree with an omniscient narrator. Although we understand from A Knight of Ghosts and Shadows that Flandry and Tachwyr meet several times during their careers, Tachwyr appears only four times in the series and on the fourth occasion, in The Game of Empire, he has become both the Hand of his Vach and the Protector of the Grand Council and therefore remains on Merseia where he has no contact with Flandry. We see them meet only three times.

A character who appears only in A Circus of Hells is the heroine of that novel, Djana. However, Djana's psychic power prevents Flandry from settling down either with Kathryn McCormac in The Rebel Worlds or with Kossara Vymezal in A Knight of Ghosts and Shadows and therefore explains why he eventually forms a liaison with Miriam Abrams in A Stone in Heaven and has married her by the time of The Game of Empire. Young Flandry strongly influences the rest of the series.


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

The simplest real world explanation for the inconsistency you noted is that Anderson overlooked the different Vachs mentioned in ENSIGN FLANDRY and the later stories.

Even the most careful writers can slip up!

Ad astra! Sean

paulshackley2017@gmail.com said...


That is the real world explanation. I am looking for explanations within the fictional universe.
