Thursday 20 April 2023

On Aeneas

The Rebel Worlds, CHAPTER SIX, is a Prologue to The Day Of Their Return, because it is set entirely on Aeneas:

the continental shelf of Ilion rises above the Antonine Seabed;

the outer moon, Lavinia, is small but visible;

Hugh McCormac and his three sons by his first wife ride not green, six-legged stathas but Aenean horses adapted to low gravity, both species imported;

fire trava, sword trava and plume trava cover the ground and curl up, conserving heat for the night;

trees are both native and imported, including oak and cedar from Terra and rasmin from Llynathawr;

a tineran caravan has set up before Windhome.

We are destined to learn a very great deal about both tinerans and Windhome in the sequel.


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

I immediately thought, as you did, that this description of Aeneas had a "Barsoomish" look to it. A subtle homage by Anderson to Edgar Rice Burroughs?

Ad astra! Sean said...

I think so.

S.M. Stirling said...

As I mentioned above!