Monday 10 April 2023

Brechdan POV

Ensign Flandry.

CHAPTER THREE is narrated from the point of view (pov) of the Merseian, Brechdan Ironrede, at Castle Dhanghodan on Merseia. CHAPTER TEN is narrated from Brechdan's pov in the Merseian co-capital city, Ardaig. While this is indeed interesting and informative, it is not very different from if Brechdan were a human planetary prime minister although here is one physical difference:

"...his tail ached from the weight on it." (CHAPTER TEN, p. 92)


"Brechdan took a turn around the room, hands behind back, tail unrestful..." (p. 100)

That is all that I can find. Brechdan would like to "...tumble to bed..." (p. 92) but that sounds too human to me. Would Merseians not have some other sleeping posture, like maybe propped up on legs and tail?

Unfortunately, when Brechdan says of the human race:

"'We may be forced to exterminate.'" (ibid.)

- this does not differentiate him from many members of the species that he is discussing. 


S.M. Stirling said...

Lots of animals with tails sleep prone; OTOH, many birds sleep upright.

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

We do see mention, a time or two, of Merseians using stools. That would make siting a lot easier, for long periods.

As Stirling said, many animals with tails sleep prone--think of dogs and cats. So having Brechdan going to bed like humans makes sense.

Ad astra! Sean

S.M. Stirling said...

Though Merseians would be unlikely to sleep on their backs -- more likely on their sides or stomachs.

For that matter, I sleep on my side... said...

Exactly. There is something different about Merseian physiology.

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Mr. Stirling!

That's how I prefer to sleep as well. So Merseians and many humans sleep prone on their sides.

Ad astra! Sean