Wednesday 26 April 2023

Flandry And Kossara On Terra

In Dominic Flandry's time:

Vanrijn is a planet;

there is an Adzel Square in the University of Virgil in Nova Roma on Aeneas in the Virgilian System in Sector Alpha Crucis of the Terran Empire;

Chateau Falkayn '35 is a red wine but we are not told to which century the "'35" refers.

In the post-Flandry instalments collected in Flandry's Legacy, Flandry's name is not mentioned although we nevertheless discern his influence and legacy.

As we continue our survey of Terra in Flandry's time:

Flandry enjoys the multi-sensory view on Catalina;

Kossara experiences the inside of a slave depot, then city and ocean as seen from an aircar, then finally the inside of an ornate house on Catalina;

Flandry, attending a bon voyage party for Emperor Hans at the Coral Palace, converses successively with the Duke of Mars, the Emperor and Chunderban Desai;

Flandry and Desai, sitting in a garden cantilevered from a wall above a courtyard with a fluorescent fountain, hear splashing water, smell sweet flowers, feel cool air and see gleaming stars and the glowing ocean.

Farewell to Terra until the next volume. Flandry does not lack quiet contexts for the contemplation of Imperial conflicts.


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

I checked, and Chapter VI of THE REBEL WORLDS does refer to the University on Aeneas as the University of VIRGIL. I THOUGHT it was the University of Nova Roma.

Dang! Somehow I missed or forgot that mention of Kossara Vymezal staying for a time at the Mayor Palatine's villa on Catalina. Much to my chagrin!

Ad astra! Sean said...


I think though I have not checked that the University is "of Nova Roma" in "The Problem of Pain." Maybe the University changed its name or there are different ways to refer to it.


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

Something else for me to look up! (Smiles)

Ad astra! Sean