Saturday 8 April 2023

Abrams' Performance On Merseia

Ensign Flandry, CHAPTER TEN.

Brechdan Ironrede meets and assesses Commander Max Abrams.

(i) When introduced, Abrams knows to say, "'The Hand of the Vach Ynvory is my shield.'" (p. 94)

(ii) Abrams' accent is dense but his Eriau is fluent. 

(iii) His greeting is dignified and is appropriate from one near in rank to his master who is equal to Brechdan.

(iv) In addition to details of physical appearance, his carriage is military.

(v) Later, when Hauksberg calls Abrams to join him and Brechdan, the Commander salutes and asks, "'May I serve the Hand?'" (p. 96)

(vi) When Hauksberg invites Abrams to sit, the latter asks, "'With the Hand's leave?'" (ibid.) and understands when Brechdan touches his brow.

(vii) Abrams presents a plausible account of why he is on Merseia without admitting that he is there to spy. 

(viii) When Brechdan offers to help, Abrams replies, "'The Hand is most gracious.'" (p. 97)

(ix) When given some information, Abrams responds, "'I thank the Hand.'" (ibid.)

Brechdan leaves the Terran Embassy determined to concentrate attention on Abrams.


S.M. Stirling said...

And Abrams has misdirected him by being -completely truthful-. Not bad!

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Mr. Stirling!

True, but Brechdan and his subordinates were convinced Abrams had every intention of trying to spy. What they didn't know was of how he had a very special card up his sleeve!

Ad astra! Sean