Sunday 20 March 2022

On Roland

Poul Anderson, "The Queen of Air and Darkness" IN Anderson, The Queen Of Air And Darkness And Other Stories (London, 1977), pp. 9-51.

This story increases our knowledge of the Rustum History timeline. Terrestrials have colonized other extra-solar planets:

" the hope of preserving such outmoded things as their mother tongues or constitutional government or rational-technological civilization..." (p. 12)

Colonized planets other than Rustum include Roland and Beowulf. Eric Sherrinford has traveled from Beowulf to Roland. Beowulf has more domestic technology than Roland. Roland is further from the Solar System than Rustum because, from it, Sol is invisible without a telescope. Roland has concealed natives, a complication that does not exist on Rustum but did on Nerthus in Poul Anderson's Psychotechnic History. One Rolandic species has been named "satans" (p. 14) just as a Rustumite species was named "tarzans" and an Avalonian species, in Anderson's Technic History, is named "draculas."

We find parallels between three future history series by a single author.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

Exactly! I will expect practical space traveling to have as one consequence malcontents of all kinds leaving an oppressive Earth to live as they believed was best elsewhere, either on planets or O'Neill habitats. And some gov'ts on Earth might willingly encourage them to go, to be rid of troublemakers and possible threats to them. Similar things have happened in past history, after all.

Ad astra! Sean