Tuesday 15 March 2022


Sorry to be so absent lately but other retirement activities are time-consuming like walking from Lancaster to the village of Caton along the River Lune and getting the bus back, going to see The Batman and rereading CS Lewis.

Future history series are paced differently. Centuries elapse between the installments of Poul Anderson's Maurai History whereas his Rustum History advances by generations. Thus, near the beginning of "A Fair Exchange," Dan Coffin's wife, Eva, nurses their baby - who will not be able to live in the lowlands. That problem, physically separating Rustumites, persists. Dan has now lived at Lake Moondance for thirty-five Rustumite years, twenty Terrestrial, so this future history progresses although more slowly than many others. As yet, we know of developing events only on a single planet but that will change in the remaining two installments.


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

Mention of that new Batman movie makes me feel so frustrated! The movie industry PERSISTS in churning out endless rehashes of old, stale themes about Superman or Batman but refuses to even think of trying something genuinely new. E.g., movies about Nicholas van Rijn or Dominic Flandry! Bah!!!!!

Ad astra! Sean

paulshackley2017@gmail.com said...


But many new, fresh things can be done with iconic, mythic characters like the great detectives, Holmes and Wayne. The new THE BATMAN film is fascinating.


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

Of course I have to concede that, in principle. I'm just tired of Superman, Batman, STAR TREK, STAR WARS, or Peter Jackson's disappointing movies allegedly based on THE HOBBIT and THE LOR OF THE RINGS.

Apologies for being so grumpy!

Ad astra! Sean