Saturday 12 March 2022

Life Continues... II

"My Own, My Native Land."

(The sons are not quite adults yet but they are growing.)

Reading on, we learn that Anker or Anchor, whichever version of the name was correct, must have grown a bit because it is now called "Anchortown." (p. 12)

Danny was proved to be the first true Rustumite and became a hero to his peers so what could go wrong after that? Plenty. His experience in the lowland was so traumatic that he doesn't want to go back there ever. That is the next obstacle to be overcome. Life continues until it ends and it has not ended yet.

The first collection about the future history of the Psychotechnic Innstitute is entitled The Psychotechnic League. This second collection about the colonization of High America is entitled New America. Go figure, as they say in some parts of North America.

Ukraine is on the TV News and I have got a new (to me) John Grisham novel from the Public Library. I hope to post more about Rustum tomoz.


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

I can easily imagine a town named "Anker" being mistakenly called "Anchor." They sound much alike, after all. One form or the other would eventually fixed and permanent.

I think you made a mistake, writing "The first collection about the future history of the Psyhotechnic Institute is entitled THE PSYCHOTECHNIC LEAGUE." Didn't you mean "The first collection about the future history of Rustum is entitled ORBIT UNLIMITED"? That would fit better, placed next to the second Rustum collection: NEW AMERICA.

Not been reading many of Anderson's works lately. Still fixated on Solzhenitsyn, having read the first volume of MARCH 1917 and then rereading LENIN IN ZURICH. Now I'm getting deep into the second volume of MARCH 1917. IF not novels, however, I can still read some of Anderson's short stories.

Ad astra! Sean said...


I was highlighting that a volume about the Psychotechnic Institute was called THE PSYCHOTECHNIC LEAGUE just as a volume about High America was called NEW AMERICA.


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

Then I misunderstood you, not for the first time! Truthfully, I think Anderson's "history of Rustum" stories better than many of the Psychotechnic items. Which is probably no surprise, Anderson having gained more experience in writing by the time he started the Rustum series.

I have started reading the original text of "Robin Hood's Barn" in THE SATURN GAME. I wondered if there were any textual differences from the final version collected in ORBIT UNLIMITED.

Ad astra! Sean