Saturday 12 March 2022

Life Continues On Rustum

Poul Anderson, "My Own, My Native Land" IN Anderson, New America (New York, 1982), pp. 9-50.

Although the Rustum series had reached a satisfying conclusion at the end of Orbit Unlimited, a good writer knows how to continue a series. In an italicized introductory passage, a boy screams in fear when a spearfowl breaks through the mists at the edge of the world. Clouds burn in the sunrise and the cold pure wind sings. After this memory or nightmare, the narrative begins with Jack O'Malley announcing his approach by radio. Sons have become adults. Life continues on Rustum. We turn the page to learn more.


1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

Yes, I recall how Danny Coffin had some difficulty going back to the lowlands of Rustum, after his traumatic childhood adventure there. Fortunately, he overcame that trauma.

Ad astra! Sean