Sunday 6 March 2022

Blame The System?

Orbit Unlimited.

"'I'm sick of this whine, "Don't blame me, blame the system." There isn't any system: there are men who act well or badly.'" (5, p. 31)

There is a system. One man pays another man unemployment benefit if the system tells him to but not otherwise. But it is also true that there are men who act well or badly.

Before I finished working, some colleagues wanted early retirement and drove to a meeting in another part of the County to be told about it. What they were told about early retirement was that they could not have it! "Why were we made to come here to be told that?" "We're not the people who made this decision. We're just the personnel staff who were given the job of telling you it." Obviously that situation could have been handled a lot better.

Since the work was not onerous, my aim was to stay on full salary as long as possible, thus also increasing the contributions to the eventual occupational pension. Before long, I was told, "Leave now with a payout or later without." So I took early retirement ten years ago just after this blog started. Since there is a system, we should try to make it work for us.


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

And I wish more people would save and invest, so they would not have to depend only on either "Social Security" or whatever other pensions they might get. Saving and investing is what I have been trying to do for many years.

Ad astra! Sean said...


You have got to have something to save.


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

Of course! The way to do it is to start small and gradually build up savings and investments.

Ad astra! Sean