Saturday 15 January 2022

Terra And Austria

The People Of The Wind, XII.

Which nations are allies or enemies at any given time changes with great rapidity. When Terra attacks, Ythri will:

fight delaying actions;
raid the Terran Empire;
try to stir up third parties like Merseia.

Merseia has not yet become the major threat to Empire and Domain alike.

We, here and now, do not count Austria among our enemies but:

That second time they hunted me
From hill to plain, from shore to sea,
And Austria, hounding far and wide
Her blood-hounds through the countryside,
Breathed hot and instant on my trace,— 
My brothers live in Austria's pay
—Disowned me long ago, men say;
-both extracts copied from here.
So Austria was a predecessor of Terra.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

I read that Robert Browning poem, and it was the mentioning of Metternich and that "Charles" which clarified matters. It seems to be set in the aftermath to the first of the Wars of Italian Unification, after King Charles Albert of Sardinia/Savoy was so crushingly defeated by Field Marshal Radetzky that he was forced to abdicate.

Radetzky interested me. I think he was about 80 in 1848, but age did not slow him or dull his wits. He moved his army over the mountains with such speed and dexterity that he caught the Savoyards by surprised and so utterly crushed them their king was forced to abdicate. He would be analogous to Admiral Cajal.

Ad astra! Sean