Monday, 8 November 2021

Underwater Borders

The Fleet Of Stars, 10.

"A riskful dive to the borders of what an unaided body could survive was a rite of passage into adulthood. It did more than test strength; it was religious revelation, awe and mystery and the implacability of the universe." (p. 130)

For what an unaided merfolk body can survive, see Aquamen

For the sea as religious experience and the implacability of the sea, see Lir III.

For human beings living on and in an extraterrestrial sea, see Nyanza!


1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

And I recalled how, in "The Game of Glory," old John Umbolu considered drowning the only decent way a man can die. Which rather gives me the shivers!

Ad astra! Sean